What kind of companies have you included on this website ?
We have included companies that are involved in the research, development, or commercialization of genomic or multiomics products or services.
I can't find my company on this website, can I add my company?
If you are associated with the company that you want to add, then please get in touch by sending an email to support@dxmultiomics.com .
How is the news gathered ?
We gather news displayed on the home page from various important press release from different companies.
Why isn't my company's press release available on this website ?
We gather news manually and not by any automated means. We may have miss the press release news by your company or might have choosen not to include the news.
How can I have the company description changed on this website ?
If you are associated with the company that you want the description edited, then please get in touch by sending an email to support@dxmultiomics.com .

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