Adela is developing best-in-class technology to accelerate the diagnosis and improve the management of cancer through blood tests for minimal residual disease (MRD) monitoring and multi-cancer early detection (MCED). Adela’s genome-wide methylome enrichment platform efficiently captures extensive, biologically-relevant genomic information to maximize test performance and improve treatment decisions. The company’s platform specifically isolates the information-rich (methylated) regions of the genome through a high-affinity enrichment process, enabling it to capture and preserve more genomic material for sequencing compared to other platforms that use enzymatic or chemical treatment (bisulfite conversion). This comprehensive view of the methylome significantly increases the opportunities for Adela’s products to detect cancer signals in the blood compared to approaches that target a smaller set of genomic regions. It also enables enhanced prognostic and predictive abilities, as well as dynamic monitoring in patients over time. Adela’s approach to MRD testing is tissue agnostic, eliminating the burden of acquiring a tumor sample. Adela’s investors are F-Prime Capital, OrbiMed, Deerfield Management, Decheng Capital, Labcorp and RA Capital Management.